Why Does Your Pickup Truck Need Digital Inspections?

Inspections have been performed in shops for as long as there have been trucks, but they have traditionally been documented on paper. Inspections done by technicians utilizing an electronic device to record the findings are known as digital vehicle inspections (DVI). The inspection findings are entered directly into a shop management system (SMS). The finest inspection software will automatically save the inspection findings and repair recommendations to the customer’s profile.


Paper inspection records were the only reliable and affordable method to get the work done ten years ago. So it makes sense that this was the method chosen in repair shops. Technicians would ignore the discomfort of missing clipboards, service advisers would tolerate poor handwriting, and consumers would ignore coffee stains and thumbprints. Some shops will even rewrite the inspection for the buyer to see, then take them out to the bay to check under the vehicle and point out the problem.

The most significant disadvantage of a paper examination is that no two inspections are the same since there is little standard for recording findings. A Big Mac produced by a 16-year-old in Los Angeles tastes the same as one made by a 36-year-old in New York, but inspection paperwork from the same technician will appear radically different. Consider the differences in inspections performed by four other technicians. When you double it by four, you begin to sense the scale.

Beyond the inconsistencies of paper records, there are also the issues of lost or destroyed reports.  And after many years in business, these documents become an administrative nightmare, not just in filing and sorting, but in the physical space the files demand over the years. 


Everything is changing as a result of digital reports. Using mobile technologies, you may utilize customized inspections to complete a basic tire report or a comprehensive bumper-to-bumper, multipoint check. The more documentation you have, the more likely you are to sell.

When technicians do a digital inspection, they go through the 50-point inspection procedure, noting any required repairs or maintenance and writing notes in the appropriate area. Not only are digital inspectioins more accurate and thorough, the require much less time as checks can be marked quickly.



One of the ASE-certified technicians will take extensive images and videos of your truck throughout the inspection. The photos are high-resolution, so you can see exactly what the mechanic sees. If a problem exists, the diagnosis will be supported with visuals that will assist you in determining the best following actions for your truck. It gives you faith in what the technician says about your vehicle and prevents shops from having to worry about customers entering the shop floor. 


The inspection procedure is being modernized with digital reports. It enables us to tailor your inspection to focus on the most critical components of your vehicle. Simple tire or battery checks to thorough multipoint inspections are all possible. Each feature of your truck will get individual comments throughout each examination.


You don’t have to return to the shop to find out what repairs your truck need. If you choose, digital truck inspections enable the experts to provide explanations by text message or email. This allows you to make educated automotive selections no matter where you are.


There’s no better way to be ready for a road trip than to get your truck inspected and maintained. The brakes, batteries, tires, filters, and critical fluids are all examined during an inspection. This provides you further assurance that your truck is entirely safe and functional. It may also extend the life of your truck in the long term. By choosing a shop that utilizes digital reports you can be assured that your vehicle is getting thoroughly and accurately inspected. And that your inspection reports are easily accessible for future reference.